Product Description
1:1 Doughnut Scale
Mixed Media
Exhibition at Flower Pepper Gallery: Minuscule from May 3rd to June 6th, 2014
Previous Exhibition at Flower Pepper Gallery: Of History And Hope from April 5th to May 2nd, 2014
Artist Statement:
My images come to me from closing my eyes and waiting. They pop into my head fully rendered and articulated in color with a fully expressed feeling and meaning to accompany them, but it takes time for me to parse these images into pliable elements for myself. If I can see the whole image in my mind’s eye at once, I sketch it as quickly as possible. At times, I know the whole image is there, but can only see parts of it, so I have to wait and ask to see more of it and try to slowly look around the pieces I do have to tease out the connected objects. I render it as true to the vision of the image as I can. The panels themselves are vibrant and have a range of colors to suit the concept. Occasionally, I will deviate from original vision of the image, but that is only in the case that things are lost in the translation. Titles for the images come as I am painting the canvas.
I push to make the pieces accessible to many people in a visual language that is easily digestible. The dark spots and lighting serve to create drama and mystery. Much of the work has a narrative quality, a viewer’s perspective on a moment in time, and the images often deal with adult themes from a child’s perspective.
The work is for enjoyment and happy times. If the work doesn’t delight me, I don’t care to make it, regardless of how strong the vision is.
Artist Website:
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